Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Blogs to Teach You About the Culture/Background of Korean Food

Sure, it's great to have a variety of informational resources about Korean food. But reading about it from a blog really gives you a personal take, a personal connection to the food itself. That is why I have decided to include a list of English blogs that provide an excellent introduction to the culture/background of Korean food. Here they are:

1. One Fork, One Spoon focuses on the author's food travels in Mexico, Spain, and elsewhere, with a large focus on Korea and Korean food. Written by Grace, a Korean American living in Brooklyn, New York, there is an extensive coverage of the history and culture of Korean food. She writes about the origins and cultural background of many dishes with a sharp attention to detail and most importantly, covers the how's and why's of the tradition of Korean food.

2. Korean Food is a great blog written by a group of friends, two Korean and one Thai, who wanted to share the history and culture of Korean food. Like One Fork, One Spoon, it also provides a lot of coverage on the origins and traditions of Korean food with great attention to the ingredients used in Korean cooking.

Posted by tastingkorea

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